Sunday 20 February 2011

Preliminary launch date

Turns out other projects occupied more of my time than previously thought, but the new version of RPGMaker Trans is nearly ready. The new patch format is coming along nicely - the changes are as follows:

  • UTF-8 rather than UTF-16: Reduces file size
  • Changing the method of string identification: Previously, a string was identified by the string itself. Now it is identified by the string and a context (e.g. Hero Name, Item Name, etc). The context is shown in the translation file which provides extra info to the translator. It also means that, for example if a character and an item shared a name in Japanese, they no longer match meaning both can have a different translation.
  • Currently working on an Advice field which can store for instance, a character limit.
The bad news is that RPGMaker XP support might have to wait a little. I haven't had a chance to complete or test it, so it's still sitting at 50% done.

 Anyhow, the preliminary launch date is 27th February. I'm hoping to launch with XP support, but I can't guarantee that.


  1. Hello,

    I haven't given you feedback the first time I downloaded your very useful translation tool, and I should have.

    Now, I've lost it due to a disk crash, and noticed that you've withdrawn it, so I guess I will have to wait :(

    I don't criticize your reasons, you've done the right thing, by the way. Respect can go long ways, and both ways, between people that create and those that can appreciate what is being given to them :)

    Anyway, I really am looking forwards to your next release, to resume playing japanese RPGMaker games. AGTH just gets too bothersome after a while, even if I quite miss my little Ryona.


  2. Thanks. I will say this: If you know where to look (the VH thread on Hongfire specifically) there seem to be people who ignored my request to not redistribute, hence you can get the last version there if you can't wait.

    However, I have found a really nasty security issue in that version, so don't use it on any game which you don't trust.

    And as to why I don't have the old version up here? I sorta don't have the source code of that version anymore. I only have the current development version and version 1.0 which was very buggy.


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