Saturday 16 April 2011

RPGMaker Trans v1.9

This version has been superseded by RPGMaker Trans v1.91

So yeah... it seems that there were some big problems in the RPGMaker Trans 1.8-series. My bad. This release fixes those problems and introduces the advice field. I'll also apologise for delays, but my laptop (and primary development machine) had it's inverter board die and I've been busy sorting it out for a repair.

This also marks the debut of my new file hosts. If there are problems, please comment and I'll do what I can. The reasons for the new file hosts are in this post.

1.9 Release Notes:
  1. Advice Field: Gives advice on text length limits etc. I'm not 100% certain on all the limits, but they seem alright...
  2. Security Fix-Fix: Issue with the security fix which meant that the even with the fix it could still be exploited - although the user would be at least informed something was amiss. This has now been fixed.
  3. Fix Escaping Problem: As the \ symbol was being used to escape a # at the beginning of a line, a \ at the beginning of a line had special properties. However, \ is used a lot in RPGMaker strings, and this bug meant that RPGMaker Trans would fail to match any string which had a line beginning with \, and in addition mangle the input file. In addition, strings weren't being escaped when written to file so something similar would happen with strings beginning with a line beginning with #. The new semantics are that a "\#" at the beginning of a line is a "#", otherwise do nothing. 
  4. Removes "Terrain Data" from Translatables: There seems to be no way of getting a Terrain Name output to screen (at least not from this variable) so I assume it's for developers.
You'll also need to restore patches to "pristine" versions, as 1.8/1.81 will have mangled them. I'm in the process of uploading fixed patches to the appropriate places.

EDIT2: There is a bug in v1.9 that stops v1 format patches from being correctly converted (specifically patches for LMU files). This will be corrected in the next version. If you need a hand with this before then, please leave a comment and I'll do my best to help out.

Next work will be on the long delayed RPGMaker XP version, and the mysterious "Project Fractal".


  1. I just started working with this program last week, what do you mean with restoring files to pristine condition?

    As of the 1.81 version, I extracted the map files with your tools and started working on them, I have not patched any games yet. What kind of damage am I expecting to see if I use the new one?

  2. I think the latest file is missing the exe file.

  3. Anon1:

    It's as I said in point 3: RPGMaker Trans version < 1.81 cannot match any string containing a line beginning with a \ character, and will in addition mangle the patches somewhat if they contain lines beginning with a \ character. If you haven't run the patcher, you'll be fine.


    I spotted just before you posted. Fixed now.

  4. Thank you. Back to work I go~

  5. "Warning
    Rpgmaker Trans detected hampering
    please reinstall all files"

    What did I do wrong?

  6. Nevermind, seems like there is an issue. I will wait until you are done.

  7. I don't get it. When I use it I get an almost completely empty folder called "VH_translated" and one called "VH_patch". What do I do from there?

  8. Um.. That would be indicative of something going wrong, I guess. Try running in debug mode (type in d, press enter, select the game). Then post the log.txt file it generates, and I may be able to help.

  9. I managed to find out what the problem was after an hour of testing - the translator must be run with Japanese unicode settings or with your system's localisation set to Japanese, else it reads all the directories as being invalid and simply fails.

    Hope this helps.

  10. I got this error: "A subprocess blew up on file Map0139
    Something has gone wrong. Please ensure that the game is not corrupt and that RPGMaker Trans has necessary file permissions.

    I did the debug thing and this is what I got:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\", line 27, in
    File "", line 5363, in
    File "", line 5329, in main
    File "", line 2169, in processJobs
    File "", line 3872, in processArbitaryFile
    File "", line 3803, in writePatchFileData
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'VH\x83Q\x81[\x83\x80\x82O\x82P_110414_patch\\RPG_RT_HERODATA.txt'

  11. As the previous commenter pointed out, and has been pointed out by me on Hongfire a while back: RPGMaker Trans will have to be run via AppLocale on systems with Non Japanese Unicode settings.

    Or at least... that's what the error looks like to me. If that's not the case, let me know.

  12. I was running it with Applocale, so that's not the problem.

  13. Then for now I'm a little puzzled on the exact cause, and I'm not presently in a position to investigate. It could be if VH wasn't extracted correctly, but I'll assume you've thought of that.

    Try renaming the VH directory from "VH (some jp characters)" to just "VH"

  14. How do I use this tool to translate ryonaRPG ?

    I downloaded version 1.9, the, and switched my computer to Japanese locale.

    When I run the tool, I get a "Processing: ryonaRPG" message, then "Finished".

    When I open the "ryonaRpg_translated" game, nothing appears to be translated ?

  15. Removing the japanese characters from the folder made it work. Thanks.

  16. The Anonymous who is having trouble:

    Try the Wikia page on RyonaRPG; I wrote the instructions there and they should work. I'll also note that the current patch only really works for the SVN version, not any other versions.

  17. Just wanted to let you know that the translation process works smoothly if I install the game to :


    but doesn't if the game is located under :


    This is under Windows XP, SP3, Japanese Locale.

    Is there a SVN for the translation files that we could contribute to ?

  18. An SVN repo will be up as soon as I've got time to set it up - probably tomorrow or the day after. In the meantime, the best thing to do with any additional translations would probably be to send them to me direct by e-mail -

  19. Hello all

    I have problems both with RyonaRPG and VH
    I am able to play it if i don't translate it, but when i use this program, the work finish correctly (the 0-100% bar completely full and a finish line appear) but the games don't run. They crack with a msg in Japanese that i don't understand
    Both these folders don't have any japanese characters in treir names (only one subfolder inside is in japanese but this is with the file from the begining and i didn't rename it). Maybe this is the problem i don't know
    I have WindowsXP SP3, and i use apploc to run RPGMaker Trans.

    Do anyone have any suggestion to run these games?

    Thx you very much

  20. Without knowing the error, I can't help you. As a blind stab in the dark, make sure that all any files with Japanese characters in have copied correctly.

  21. Im working with gandalfrockman on his terribly understaffed translation project, and it looks like we found some text that either isnt getting pulled, or is getting deduplicated out when it doesnt actually need to be. (The game has a memory room, so theres 2 whopping megs of script for the game that show up twice but in completely different places). Is there a command line flag or something to turn off deduplication? I know it will generate a tremendous mess... but in this case it may be the best solution.

  22. Hmm. Basically, no, not at the moment. The problem is that deduplication is a side-effect of how the translator works at a fundamental level (string substitution), so it's not a toggleable behaviour.

    I have been looking at some stuff for the 2.1 patch format I'm slowly working on (being able to do additional specifications). But that won't be ready for a while.

    However, my guess it that there's something else at play here. The deduplcation effect should not be across multiple files, which is what you seem to be indicating, so something seems wrong. If you could point me in the direction of the offending file, I'd be happy to take a look at it and try and figure out what's going on.

  23. ugh, looks like its missing text not deduplication... gandalfrockman said he tested it by removing the memorie room so that it wouldnt deduplicate the text across (which knowing what we know no, didnt need to be done anyway) and that even then doing a full search through all the files via notepad++ could not find the strings in question.

    Looks like its stuff called by the battle engine during fights. In rpgmaker, you set it up in the script for the fight.

  24. It'll be easy for me to fix if that's the case (it sounds like I'm just missing a data type in my list of things to dump, and that's easy to fix), but I need a copy of the file first. If you could either upload it somewhere, point me to a link for where I could download whatever it is you're translating, or send the file to me via e-mail ( that'll be fine. Until then I can't really do anything.

  25. Will you have a version that translates LMU files properly uploaded to your file sharing sites soon?

  26. If this is in relation to Gantos's comment, No. This isn't because I'm lazy, but because at present I still don't have a copy of a file which exhibits any problems. As long as I don't have an example of the problem, I can't really fix it.

    If you can provide a file which has problems, please do!

  27. Belay that. I've finally got in touch with Gandalfrockman, and he's explained things and provided a link to me. I'll investigate when I have a chance.


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