Sunday 5 April 2015

More Progress on V4

This is just an update, considering 3 weeks ago I said 'expect something soon' and then nothing on this blog.

Basically, my code has inexplicably stopped working on Windows. I am genuinely confused as to what is going wrong here, because I have no reason to believe that the code shouldn't work with Windows, and yet it does not.

For those technically minded: after this commit, things don't work on Windows anymore. There seems to be some kind of deadlock, but I'm still no closer to figuring out where it is or why it happens. All I know is that patching jobs get submitted to a multiprocess Pool, but they never start. My concern is that there is a problem within multiprocessing, because the aforementioned commit does not do anything that should affect this, and the problem persists even when I make the jobs modal (which is definitely worrying...)

So there'll be a new release when it's ready, basically. I'm hoping this is sooner rather than later, but as I'm genuinely lost on this issue, no promises.


  1. I'm feeling a bit stupid. Can you please direct me to where your program is located?

    Also: I think this is a program to create a translation of RPG Maker games. Is that right? If so, does it work on all rpg maker versions, or only (a) certain one(s)? Can it work on already compiled games (ie. I take a released free RPGM game, and begin translating it), or does it need to work on the uncompilable game.

    If these questions are inane, please let me know, as I barely understand anything about programming, but am trying to learn.

    1. Where located is a bit inane, as in the banner below the title there is a link for 'RPGMaker Trans Website'. The website probably would answer your questions, but RPGMaker Trans takes an RPGMaker Game and lets you produce patch files which you can translate, and then apply to the game to translate the game. (That probably could be explained better). Currently supports 2k and VX (to an extent), XP/VX Ace support is being worked on (as is better VX support). Is capable of unpacking games if necessary.


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