Friday 28 February 2014

Bugs and stuff

First off, as people apparently cannot google/read previous comments anymore, this:


Now that's out of the way - for the people with error in Pythons multiprocessing libraries (the one that ends with "TypeError: WriteFile() argument 1 must be integer, not None"): thanks for the system specs. One thing I notices is that you're running Core i7s which have 8 threads, which leads me to think that RPGMaker Trans is going too parallel for Windows to handle. Hence the next version of RPGMaker Trans will have a limit on the number of processes it uses, and hopefully that will be a cure.

As to me testing this out: I don't have a Windows machine with an 8 thread processor in, so that could be tricky. I'll see if I can set something up, but there's a very high chance that'll I'll be working blind on this one.

ETA on RPGMaker Trans 2.01: Sunday/Monday morning 

EDIT: I've managed to do some testing and managed to produce a similar (although not entirely the same) bug, so I'm pretty certain that this is related to Python spawning too many processes on systems with a high thread count. The reason for this is due to some default behavior in Python that I wasn't aware of (specifically multiprocessing.pool does not spin up processes as necessary, but by default starts one process for each hardware thread). The fix is a bit more involved than I thought, but should be done shortly. It wasn't caught before because testing is on a 2 core VM, which doesn't exhibit this problem. 

EDIT2: And it wasn't that... it seems to be a more fundamental bug in Python, but it's fixed anyway.


  1. CX_freeze fatal error: cannot get zipimporter instance.

    What now?

    1. Ensure that you've extracted the 7z file properly - not entirely sure, but I think that error is due to a file not being found.

  2. That does remind me, in the task manager it shows about 15 "rpgmakertransmain" processes running at the same time, all but one or two remain idle when when I attempt to patch.

    1. I actually think it's trying (and failing) to spin up even more processes. See the edit above for more info, but I think the total process count it's attempting for you is probably > 32.

  3. Does this patch over rpg2000 games? after going through all the prompts and playing the patched game in the translated folder, nothing changed, everything is still in the same language

    1. It applies/creates a translation patch - it does not perform translation by itself. If you don't have a translation patch, then it won't do any translation.

    2. So what should i do after the new folder is made?

    3. If you don't have a translation patch and don't intend to modify the contents of the _patch folder, then nothing. RPGMaker Trans won't do anything. Otherwise, you can start translating stuff in the _patch folder, rerun RPGMaker Trans, and it will apply the changes to the game.

      If I'm honest, it would actually help if you said exactly what you're trying to do. I'm not entirely clear what you're after.

  4. ah sorry, im new to this. I just wanted to machine translate an old Japanese game and chiitrans doesn't hook after the main menu

    1. Well, two things. 1) Yeah, RPGMaker Trans doesn't feature automatic machine translation. 2) Even if it did, if chiitrans (therefore AGTH) doesn't hook a 2k game, it suggests the text is in images, which wouldn't be automatically translatable anyway.


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