Sunday 9 February 2014

RPGMaker Trans v2 Final

Well, it took a little bit longer than I thought due to some last minute bugs, but RPGMaker Trans v2 is out. In theory, this should fix the errors that people have been encountering. It should also work with networked file systems, but that's not a tested feature.

Next features:
  1. Compiling with Nuitka: This should fix the CLI mode and give a speed boost.
  2. RPGMaker VX support: Still at the parsing Ruby problem...
  3. Non-ASCII locale support: Still working on finding all the places where files can be referenced in 2k files...
  4. Patch Errors: Mainly for translators; the current handling of problems with patches is less than optimal. Patch errors will simply allow proper reporting of problems in patches.


  1. I keep getting this error while using it on the polish game "Perfect World 2":

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\", line 25, in wrap
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\twokpatcher\", line 66, in process2kfile
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\twokpatcher\", line 392, in parse
    Exception: Could not parse file: no matching schema

    One of the older versions was working fine with it.

    1. That error would mean that it's found an LDB or LMU file which doesn't have a correct header - there really wouldn't be a version of RPGMaker Trans that parsed it correctly - so you're game may be corrupt somewhere. However, whilst I can't find Perfect World 2, Perfect World 1 is a RPGMaker 2003 game, which is unsupported, and never has been supported.

      Are you sure you're not thinking of Dreamaker rather than RPGMaker Trans? That supports 2003 games.

  2. Yeah, that seems to be the case. Looks like Perfect World 2 uses a hacked version of the 2k3 editor. Maybe I was mistaking RPGMaker Trans with DMK then.

    1. Phew. I thought there was another bug in RPGMaker Trans... Well, good luck with your project. 2k3 support is not high on my list of priorities, due to the near complete lack of games for 2k3.

  3. Thanks for your hard work. Looking forward to the non-ascii support!

  4. something about a missing mscvr100.dll

    1. Google is your friend; you're missing a Microsoft redistributable package, so go and download it from:

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i keep getting this errir while trying to patch violated heroine
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\", line 25, in wrap
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\patchers\", line 42, in makeTranslator
    File "C:\Python33\lib\multiprocessing\", line 635, in temp
    File "C:\Python33\lib\multiprocessing\", line 529, in _create
    File "C:\Python33\lib\multiprocessing\", line 76, in dispatch
    File "C:\Python33\lib\multiprocessing\", line 207, in send
    File "C:\Python33\lib\multiprocessing\", line 281, in _send_bytes
    OSError: [WinError 1450] Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service

    1. The error means that Windows has run out some resource (a paging file I think...?). I'm not sure that I can help you, because searching for that error suggests that it either only occurs when using virtual drives (e.g. network mounts) or it's due to a dodgy windows install/some background process using up all resources.

      I'd still appreciate if you could tell me your Windows version/amount of ram/number of CPU cores, so I can try to set up a virtual machine to see if I can reproduce the problem, but I don't think I'll be able to help you.

  7. I get this error when patching VH:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\", line 25, in wrap
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\twokpatcher\", line 66, in process2kfile
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\twokpatcher\", line 388, in parse
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\twokpatcher\", line 407, in parseBlocks
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\twokpatcher\", line 230, in parseContainer
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\twokpatcher\", line 214, in parseContainer
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\twokpatcher\", line 358, in parseScript
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\twokpatcher\", line 248, in translateMessage
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\twokpatcher\", line 46, in translate
    File "", line 2, in translate
    File "C:\Python33\lib\multiprocessing\", line 726, in _callmethod
    File "C:\Python33\lib\multiprocessing\", line 207, in send
    File "C:\Python33\lib\multiprocessing\", line 281, in _send_bytes
    TypeError: WriteFile() argument 1 must be integer, not None

    and then I get lots of errors like this one:

    cx_Freeze: Python error in main script
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\", line 27, in
    File "", line 13, in
    File "C:\Python33\lib\multiprocessing\", line 119, in freeze_support
    File "C:\Python33\lib\multiprocessing\", line 307, in freeze_support
    File "C:\Python33\lib\multiprocessing\", line 356, in main
    File "C:\Python33\lib\multiprocessing\", line 277, in _bootstrap
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'flush'

    My VH is the newest version from creators website and translation is up to date directly from svn.
    With RPGMaker Trans 1.99 everything worked fine :(

    1. Apologies for the late reply; can you tell me your OS/system specs/antivirus? I'm still trying to find out what's causing this one.

    2. Windows 8.1 64bit Pro
      Intel 4770k
      Norton IS 2014

  8. Same error here, happens to me 90% of the time with both VH and RyonaRPG.

    1. As with zofikruk, can you tell me your OS/system specs/antivirus? Still working out why this error is happening.

    2. OS - Windows 8.1, 64-bit
      System - Intel Core i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.4GHz
      Antivirus - Webroot

      Also, I monitored the task manager throughout the process, and there was a spike in CPU usage, but the CPU was most definitely not past its capacity at the time of the crash.

  9. Also, mine worked with RPGTrans 1.99 as well...

  10. Hmm...I just got another error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\", line 64, in doCopyFile
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\", line 29, in copy
    File "C:\Python33\lib\", line 227, in copy
    File "C:\Python33\lib\", line 110, in copyfile
    PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'c:\\users\\USER1 \\downloads\\rpgmakertransv2.00\\vhゲーム_translated\\music\\maoudamashii_2_lastboss02.mid'

    It says handling this error caused the one zofikruk mentioned, or specifically:

    "During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:"

    1. This error is known about; it will likely be fixed in the new version due to be released this weekend.

    2. Thanks! Sorry about the separate posts; things just kept occurring to me after I'd already posted.


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