Monday 3 March 2014

RPGMaker Trans v2.01 Released

As the title says. Bugs fixed:

  • The odd error that was affecting high core count PCs
  • Memory usage should be lower
  • Read only files crashing the file copier - hopefully 
  • Progress bar no longer gets stuck at 99%
Bugs that remain
  • On closing, you may see some error boxes pop up. I'm working on fixing this, but it's not a critical thing.
  • Some malformed RPGMaker games may cause the translator component to crash (specifically ones which embed NUL characters in strings - not even sure how one does this with RPGMaker)
  • A readme: A number of recent questions seem to suggest a readme is in order.#
  • EDIT: There is an issue with copying thumbs.db files, it seems. Mitigation: don't have the translated folder open whilst patching and you'll probably be OK; if not try again.
So, theoretically, this one should fix the remaining issues with RPGMaker Trans v2. I've said that before, obviously, but hopefully this time it sticks. When someone finds an error (inner cyniscm taking over here), bug reports in the comments please.  Otherwise, apologies for the very bumpy ride from 1.x to 2.01. Hopefully it's over now.


  1. I'm only getting 5 RPGMakerTransMain processes now, but I still got an error in the middle of patching:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\", line 64, in doCopyFile
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\", line 36, in copy
    File "C:\Python33\lib\", line 227, in copy
    File "C:\Python33\lib\", line 110, in copyfile
    PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'c:\\users\\anon emuss\\downloads\\games\\vh,rrpg\\rpgmakertransv2.01\\vh_translated\\picture\\map_name\\thumbs.db'

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\", line 25, in wrap
    File "C:\Users\habisain\Desktop\rpgmakertransv2p3\rpgmakertransv2\workers\", line 66, in doCopyFile
    Exception: Could not copy c:\users\anon emuss\downloads\games\vh,rrpg\rpgmakertransv2.01\vh\picture\map_name\thumbs.db to c:\users\anon emuss\downloads\games\vh,rrpg\rpgmakertransv2.01\vh_translated\picture\map_name\thumbs.db

    1. edit: It seems to be a bug on my end actually, since my computer is acting funky around thumbs. Sorry for the false bug!

  2. On a side note: the dozen or so processes in the task manager popped up again, but it doesn't seem they're causing any errors, or if they are then they're errors that occur when the program is closed.

    I've received the same errors after a translation has finished "finalising" as when I close the program, but again they don't seem to interfere with the actual patching process and are rather just a minor annoyance.

    With this fix, the only issue I'd point out is that the program tries to copy thumbnail files into the translated folder, and if it fails to (usually because it's being hogged by Windows Explorer) only then will it crash, in fact it was this crash that I originally posted after bug-testing V2.01.

    1. I'd still classify the thumbs.db issue as a bug, but it's certainly more minor than the ones before it. I'm working on a more 'graceful' method of failure for this type of error, and a few other categories as well (specifically, a non-fatal error log). Retries for file copies might also be useful. And on the fake error messages, I think I'm someway to getting them sorted out...


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