Sunday 23 March 2014

RPGMaker Trans v2.03 Released

So apparently, there's a bug on the specific version of cx_freeze that I used. I'm not sure how to trigger this bug, because it didn't show up for me, but if it does show up you can't use the patcher at all.

Anyhow, the workaround seems to be using an older version of cx_freeze, so I've done that, and hence v2.03 is released. If you have v2.02 and it works for you, there's no need to upgrade. Otherwise, grab v2.03 and hopefully it will work.


  1. This has happened to me and a few other people working on the same game, that when we patch the game, the ITEMDATA file is being read as if nothing is translated. The program not only puts an untranslated version of the file into the translated directory, but it then "fixes" the translated txt file in the patch by overwriting it with a completely untranslated version as well. Luckily, we had a backup, but still...

  2. Edit: Checking through my translated directory, I realized I was wrong: the program isn't simply not reading the ITEMDATA - it's adding the itemdata as a txt to the translated directory! In other words, there must be something wrong with that file's processing or something.

    As a sidenote, I seem to recall some odd (albeit much less serious) bugs with ITEMDATA in the 1.9x series as well, having to do with the formatting of the .txt files.

    1. I believe this is a the same as a bug reported to me at Hongfire (would link to it, but I try to keep this place clean of smut and, well, Hongfire...)

      Anyway, it affects all patch files, not just ITEMDATA. The problem is that some Windows editors will add a UTF-8 BOM to the file (which is not recommended by anyone apart from Microsoft, due to it being a disaster), which RPGMaker Trans doesn't recognise. So when it classifies the files in the patch directory as being translation data or patching assets (i.e. the files it copies to the translation directory), it won't recognise the header and therefore classifies the file as a patching asset, with it ending up in the translated directory.

      A bug fix is already being worked on. In the meantime, the work-around is to make sure that the file doesn't have a UTF-8 BOM. Apparently, for Notepad++, this can be accomplished by changing the encoding of the file to ANSI (which garbles the text) before saving, although I haven't tested this (again, from the Hongfire bug report).

    2. You know, I figured this out about 5 seconds ago while fiddling around with Notepad++, and actually tuned in to tell you just that, when-BAM! ...You beat me to it! :)

      Yes, notepad++ does indeed fix this, you can even change it to UTF-8 without BOM and it'll patch correctly.

      Coincidentally, the person who posted on hongfire is one of those working on the game-it was through hongfire that I first heard of the issue, but there were more confirmations of the same issue within the team.

      Thanks for the quick reply! I'm actually quite relieved that this was one of those rare bugs that actually have a legitimate workaround!

    3. Incidentally, whilst I've mostly lost interest with the aforementioned game, it is the original reason why I started RPGMaker Trans in the first place, and so I do try to keep in touch with the translation project (or at least the bits of it visible through Hongfire), considering I'm the one who started it (with the menu+item names+character creation+debug menu, all those years ago.. although I know the latter two of those got broken with updates...).


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